Justin Lofton – 80/20 Business
It’s Time For A Change, In Your Business & In Your Life! Stop running with buckets of water and start building your pipeline…
The Business Acceleration Lifecycle has helped more than one hundred small to medium-sized businesses double or triple their revenues in less than 12 months!
If you are tired of working long hours and only seeing little to no improvements in your profits, then it’s time to leverage the Business Acceleration Lifecycle…
Go to 8020business.com right now and get your free strategy call their goal is to help you see your business in a new light, to see what’s truly possible, and show you how to live the life of your dreams!
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1) Fast forward relationships as quickly as possible with qualified leads
2) You might be driving the Tesla but if you’re worried about making that payment every month that’s not the frequency we should be in.
3) Take your vision/mission ideas, and create one. That one big objective, which is generally one, maybe two sentences.
80/20 Business: Delivering Business Results Has Never Been Easier…
Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS:
It’s time to leverage your business with the Business Acceleration Lifecycle.
00:03:32 – Humble Beginnings
I started doing consulting on the side and leveraging a lot of the systems that I learned over the years, optimizing for search engine optimization, and helping people rank at the top of Google for all their important terms. Email Marketing obviously in the world of Infusionsoft back then I was in integrating Infusionsoft into a lot of companies that needed email automation. And that was back, you know, back when the email automation was just like complete magic. And most people didn’t even know what that meant email automation, right? Yeah. And, and that just grew right. I started in an agency called fresh rankings, I think in 2010. And we were doing a ton of search engine optimization SEO work for mostly infusion soft power businesses.
00:12:46 – Fast forward relationships
I think the key is when people come into my coaching business, I’m already forcing their hand because I’m giving them a free I offers a free strategy call right so you get me on a call, because I want to fast forward that relationship as quickly as possible with qualified leads. And I think that’s really important. Like, I think what’s happened in the world of automation over the years and all this technology is that a lot of marketers and business owners have been like, great, I can just leave it up to the technology, and it’s all going to do the work for me. It’s like, No, no, the technology should be there too fast for the personal, personal relationships that you’re building with you or your staff or your team not getting away or not trying to be the relationship itself.
00:19:39 – The observer from the outside looking at their business
I’m going to make sure and push you and make sure that you know, keep you accountable for the things that I expected you to get done in your business or your own personal life to move this needle for you. Because that’s my goal. I think that’s important because I think a lot of business owners forget we got to remind our customers about their responsibility. That’s a key part of really knowing whether a person I’m talking with has resonance with how I approach things, as well as that they are clearly the responsible party.
00:27:29 – 15 Million+
It needs to be at 15 million-plus, but yeah, it’s sort of like you know, if you’re 500K, trying to get to a million seems like a big jump, and then from there to get to 3 million is kind of the next level. And then from there, it seems pretty easy to go from three to 12 million. And that’s where that the 12 million is usually, where most business owners, they don’t have the real team around them to really go the 250 million going higher because you can get you can take a family business to 12 million.
00:38:14 – Everything’s based on frequency
It’s just like changing the radio station. And a lot of times if somebody comes in and they’re like, hey man, I’ve got these big money goals. And then I say, well, what’s the purpose of the money goal? And they kind of lock up because it just goes against the programming that they have in their brain or they have to figure out why they set the goal.
00:48:02 – Breaking down the WHY statement
An early part of breaking down the WHY statement is what I call the one big objective? A lot of people write a vision and mission statement when they first start a business and it tends to just collect dust and never really get used. It’s on a website somewhere, it’s on a web page buried and, you know, no one ever sees it. They have no idea it exists. So I what I do is I try and take those two vision/mission kind of ideas, and I help them create one. That one big objective, which is generally one, maybe two sentences at most.
00:48:02 – Breaking down the WHY statement
An early part of breaking down the WHY statement is what I call the one big objective? A lot of people write a vision and mission statement when they first start a business and it tends to just collect dust and never really get used. It’s on a website somewhere, it’s on a web page buried and, you know, no one ever sees it. They have no idea it exists. So I what I do is I try and take those two vision/mission kind of ideas, and I help them create one. That one big objective, which is generally one, maybe two sentences at most.
00:56:01 – Roundtable and approach to the community
I was doing some consulting work, I flew out to a business. They were doing six and a half million annually, they’d slid from 7 million there at six and a half million. And we’re trying to turn that around. And so I came in from the outside, I met their office, outside observers, maybe at 30 employees at that point. And I’m watching this one department right there print, you know, there’s a centralized printer, there are maybe six people in the room, and every few minutes each of them gets up, prints out something walks over to the printer comes back, sits down, and then eventually I watched this long enough. I said, Well, what’s what are you printing and what’s going on here? >>>>
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